Fiery Balkan brass, throbbing funk grooves, Roma (Gypsy) accordion wizardry, and virtuoso jazz chops make Slavic Soul Party! NYC’s official #1 brass band for BalkanSoul GypsyFunk.
On the Far East Suite:
"The melodies... remain the same but the arrangements are so wild and wooly, danceable and grooveable, that it comes out as a whole 'nother animal, in your face, quixotic to the brain yet challenging enough to the ear where you want to hear it again."
On first glance this suite might seem like a strange choice of material for superb New York Balkan brass band Slavic Soul Party!, but their recording of it, released today on Ropeadope, honors the tunes and spirit of the Ellington opus while adding their own flavor.
—Chicago Reader
The New Slavic Soul Party T's Are Here!
The legendary Brassbird shirts are back in all sizes for men and women.